EC Council Training Partner
Certified Ethical Hacker
The C|EH v12 also equips aspiring cybersecurity professionals with the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to build ethical hackers who can uncover weaknesses in nearly any type of target system before cybercriminals do ДОПЪЛНИТЕЛНА ИНФОРМАЦИЯ Who is a Certified Ethical …
The C|EH v12 also equips aspiring cybersecurity professionals with the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to build ethical hackers who can uncover weaknesses in nearly any type of target system before cybercriminals do
Who is a Certified Ethical Hacker? A Certified Ethical Hacker is a specialist typically working in a red team environment, focused on attacking computer systems and gaining access to networks, applications, databases, and other critical data on secured systems. A C|EH® understands attack strategies, the use of creative attack vectors, and mimics the skills and creativity of malicious hackers. Unlike malicious hackers and actors, Certified Ethical Hackers operate with permission from the system owners and take all precautions to ensure the outcomes remain confidential. Bug bounty researchers are expert ethical hackers who use their attack skills to uncover vulnerabilities in the systems.
The C|EH v12 also equips aspiring cybersecurity professionals with the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to build ethical hackers who can uncover weaknesses in nearly any type of target system before cybercriminals do What is C|EH® v12? The Certified Ethical Hacker has been battle-hardened over the last 20 years, creating hundreds of thousands of Certified Ethical Hackers employed by top companies, militaries, and governments worldwide. In its 12th version, the Certified Ethical Hacker provides comprehensive training, hands- on learning labs, practice cyber ranges for engagement, certification assessments, cyber competitions, and opportunities for continuous learning into one comprehensive program curated through our new learning framework: 1. Learn 2. Certify 3. Engage 4. Compete.

Можете да се явите на изпит CEH v12 след успешно завършване на обучението. Кандидатите, които успешно преминат изпита, получават сертификат CEH v12 и привилегиите на членство.
The C|EH® v12 training program includes 20 modules covering various technologies, tactics, and procedures, providing prospective ethical hackers with the core knowledge needed to thrive in cybersecurity. Delivered through a carefully curated training plan that typically spans five days, the 12th version of the C|EH® continues to evolve to keep up with the latest OS, exploits, tools, and techniques. The concepts covered in the training program are split 50/50 between knowledge-based training and hands-on application through our cyber range.Every tactic discussed in training is backed by step-by-step labs conducted in a virtualized environment with live targets, live tools, and vulnerable systems. Through our lab technology, every participant will have comprehensive hands-on practice to learn and apply their knowledge.”
Да имате компютърна грамотност и да владеете английски.
20 Modules That Help You Master the Foundations of Ethical
Hacking and Prepare to Take the C|EH Certification Exam

Module 1: Introduction to Ethical Hacking Module 2: Footprinting and Reconnaissance Module 3: Scanning Networks Module 4: Enumeration Module 5: Vulnerability Analysis Module 6: System Hacking Module 7: Malware Threats Module 8: CMS Vulnerability Scanning Module 9: Social Engineering Module 10: Denial-of-Service Module 11: Session Hijacking Module 12: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots Module 13: Hacking Web Servers Module 14: Hacking Web Applications Module 15: SQL Injection Module 16: Hacking Wireless Networks Module 17: Hacking Mobile Platforms Module 18: IoT and OT Hacking Module 19: Cloud Computing Module 20: Cryptography
5 days – 40 hoursОбучението се провежда в онлайн самостоятелна форма с продължителност 3 месеца. Включва поредица от видеозаписи и лабораторни упражнения, състоящи се от предварително създадени сценарии и задачи през които студентите трябва да преминат.
HANDS-ON LEARNING LABS With over 220 hands-on labs conducted in our cyber range environment, you will have the opportunity to practice every learning objective on live machines and vulnerable targets in the course. Pre-loaded with over 3,500 hacking tools and various operating systems, you will gain unprecedented exposure and hands-on experience with the most common security tools, latest vulnerabilities, and widely used operating systems in the industry. Our range is web accessible, making it easier for you to learn and practice from anywhere.ФОРМИ НА ОБУЧЕНИЕ
Самостоятелна онлайн форма.
Такса обучение – 000 лв.
Студентите, успешно завършили обучението получават от EC Council академията сертификат за преминатото обучение.
Студентите от EC Council академията получават ваучер в размер на 100% от цената на сертификационния изпит за CEH.
За записване или допълнителна информация, можете да използвате онлайн формата, да се обадите на телефони: +(359) 885 157 577; +(359) 889 957 577 или да изпратите имейл на адрес: Допълнително ще се свържем с Вас, с конкретен график на провеждане на занятията и официалната регистрация за обучението.Exam Details C|EH ® (MCQ Exam) C|EH ® (Practical)
Number of Questions/Practical
Challenges 125 20
Test Duration 4 Hours 6 Hours
Test Format Multiple Choice Questions iLabs Cyber Range
Test Delivery ECC EXAM, VUE –
Availability – Aspen-iLabs
Exam Prefix 312-50 (ECC EXAM), 312-50 (VUE) –
Passing Score Refer to 70%
Put Your Skills and Knowledge to the Test With the C|EH® Master.
Once you have achieved the certification and completed your ethical hacking engagement, you are ready to challenge the proctored C|EH® practical assessment and become a C|EH® Master!

Upon completing the C|EH® (Master) program, consisting of the C|EH® and C|EH® (Practical),
the C|EH® (Master) designation is awarded. C|EH® Masters have shown proficiency at a master
level in the knowledge, skills, and abilities of ethical hacking with a total of 6 hours of testing to
prove their competency. The top 10 performers in both C|EH® and C|EH® Practical exams are
featured on the C|EH® Master Global Ethical Hacking Leader Board
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